
What is a PostalOne! Transportation Assignment System?
An essential element of the PostalOne! system is its Transportation Assignment System. It offers a tightly integrated set of tools that helps First-Class Mail® business mailers coordinate, prepare and sort mail trays for transportation, using the most expeditious surface or air routing available.
The PostalOne! Transportation Assignment System features all of the hardware, software and data needed to prepare trays and designate the most efficient transportation. The basic system includes a scale, scanner, and printer, connected to a system controller at the mailer's site. The system is linked to the USPS® Surface-Air Management System (S-AMS) application via modem, enabling electronic transportation assignment and management.
The PostalOne! Transportation Assignment System may include additional features such as a Fully Automated Scan-Where-You-Band (FASWYB) system; tray handling and sortation; electronic manifest reconciliation; automatic tray log-out; and adjustable tolerances for weight reconciliation.
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