
To Participate in e-VS
Complete the application found in the technical guide. The guide will be posted on this Web site in the near future. |
Submit electronic Microsoft Excel spreadsheets that list the entry Post Offices by area, district and sectional center facility where mailings will be deposited, along with estimates of frequency and average number of packages deposited at each office. |
For assistance, or a copy of the e-VS Technical Guide contact:
Computer software must meet e-VS electronic file and barcode specifications. If you are participating in the Confirmation Services program, you have already met the majority of these requirements. |
Complete the Confirmation Services Certification process if you have not already done so. |
Develop and administer effective quality assurance procedures that ensure the integrity of the system. |
Complete and submit PS Form1357-C, Customer Request for Web Access. |
Successfully complete a parallel run during which you must present mailings in accordance with both existing Plant Verified Drop Ship requirements and e-VS requirements. |
Enter into a service agreement with the Postal Service. |